Sunday, January 14, 2007

Cola bores.

I just read an interesting post on a blog called This Blog Sits at the Intersection of Anthropology and Economics . It's an interesting blog by a guy called Grant McCracken, who writes about how business defines culture.

He's written a post in reference to a Wall Street Journal article about Pepsi. [The article isn't online yet - the WSJ seems to have a very odd approach to commercialising its content online. The Economic Times (of India) has published a related article.]

Pepsi has announced a program where they will change the look of their cans over 30 times in the next year in order to stay hip with the youngsters. I have to admit that I misread McCraken's post initially and thought that Pepsi planned to change their logo every two weeks. That would have been interesting.

As it is, I'm not sure this announcement is particularly significant. Coke has certainly made a tradition out of seasonal packaging and both the cola companies have had tactical cans on a pretty consistent basis. I would have thought, too, that it will make for some pretty cluttered looking fridges in stores as different sets of cans are mixed together. I wonder how retailers feel about the idea of having to buy stock that looks almost immediately out of date.

It would be way cooler if they decided to change the logo every two weeks.

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